Real is an online mental healthcare experience that aims to make mental healthcare more accessible through therapist-led courses and community events.
At Superbolt, I designed for a cross-channel user acquisition strategy encompassing paid social media, web, and email.
Adobe XD
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Adobe After Effects
marketing funnel overview
Paid Social Ads
I designed paid social media ads that ran on Facebook and Instagram as part of a broader brand awareness campaign. The messaging in these ads range from very general and high-level to more granular topics within mental health care. By targeting these ads to the appropriate audiences, they serve as hooks to find out more about the Real brand.
Landing page
Because the digital mental wellness program that Real provides is a novel departure from traditional 1:1 therapy, and because the paid social ads we create primarily serve as hooks and don’t effectively explain the brand as a whole, we created this landing page summarizes what Real is, how it works, and how it benefits users. Paid social ads served to prospecting users thus drive to this landing page, giving them a holistic explanation of Real’s offerings and why they should sign up.
The live landing page can be viewed here. ☺
Once a potential user has visited a Real webpage, they can opt in to email messaging. We designed an email flow that is sent to users who have opted into email messaging but have not yet purchased a Real membership. These emails offer examples of social proof and additional explanations of Real value propositions in an effort to convert such users.